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What is the ratio between the density of Dark Energy now to the density of Dark Energy at the time CMB was emitted?

The average temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is currently $T=2.73K$. It yields the origin of CMB to be at redshift $z_{CMB}=1100$. The current densities of the Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Normal Matter components of the Universe as a whole are, $ρ_{DE}=7.1{\times}10^{-30}g/cm^3$, $ρ_{DM} = 2.4{\times}10^{-30}g/cm^3$ and $ρ_{NM} = 0.5{\times}10^{-30}g/cm^3$, respectively. What is the ratio between the density of Dark Energy now to the density of Dark Energy at the time CMB was emitted?